Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pinhole Assignment Response

Personally I really like how our insperation can be derived from a favorite novel, poem or song lyrics.
I believe that helps make our art work more personal thus creating a better piece of art.
Throughout looking at all of the research and images provided to us on your blog, I was really inspired by Marcel Duchamps pinholes. When looking through his work, it gives off a sense of utopia, or  another world. I feel like Duchamp' s use of the whole room and not just a single object helps him achieve great levels. I also really enjoyed looking at Mark Shetabi's work. Although I really found it interesting how a lot of Shetabi's work was longing for contact, for understanding, for a place on this planet to call one's own. His use of objects, materials, and sculptures also incorperate different symbols and relationships which help explain the meaning behind his work.
I really enjoyed looking at a lot of these examples, and feel like I have a good understanding of this project.
Symbol- Something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something,  often something immaterial; emblem, token, or sign.
Naturalistic- Imitating nature, or the usual natural surroundings.

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