Thursday, September 6, 2012

Art & Fear Responses

Art& Fear Responses:

#1 What work have you made that seems most yours? WHY?

-          I would say that my personalized stained glass windows are all extremely good examples of my works and talents. I have been working with glass for eleven years now, and have learned so many tricks with the glass, along with the designing of the piece. Regardless every window that I create has been made for a specific purpose and usually incorporates a deeper meaning. Every commissioned piece was made with the purchaser in mind, but when it came to my family gifts, I feel like there is a deeper connection because of the meaning of the window.

#2 What do you care about?

-          It’s hard to answer this question because I care about so many things.

1.       Family- because I was adopted, Family means the world to me and should be worshiped because at the end of the day, they will always be there for you no matter what.

2.       Structure- When I was younger, I used to be aggressive because of communication differences, but thanks to 11+  years of  Karate (8 years training and 3 years teaching, with my 2nd degree Black Belt) I have always gravitated towards structured and symmetrical works.   Similar to my way of life.

3.       Children- I am attending Flagler College to graduate with a Fine Arts, & Art Education Major. After seeing how much my dad (an art teacher at my high school) had impacted not only my life but all of my friends even my friends I didn’t know he spoke to. As I grew up I really looked up to my parents as mentors. My Mother a Senior Executive Partner at IBM for 30 + years and My Dad whom was always around. They taught me good core values , and money aside I want to do something that can help impact the minds of young people like my family has done for me.

#3 Which of these ideas resonates most with you, and why? If they all resonate, how do they differ?

-          I personally feel like all of these sayings resonate with me due to the fact that art is incorporated into everything, including each of those sayings. Art can be anything in my opinion, even if it is nontraditional, or you can’t even see it. Music is art, poetry/theater is art, the cars, cloths, and things around us are all a design. Thus I believe that they all express the same meaning in different ways.

#4 Who are artists that are making work that relates to you? Are there other influences? How are they connected to your artwork?

-          This is another great question, I feel like there are so many different types of mediums I work with, that I could relate to a lot of artists.  But as far as design, I really enjoy geometric works and modern works similar to Pablo Picasso and some works found in the MOMA. I obviously was influenced by Lewis Comfort Tiffany so much that I have actually made replicas of some of his pieces. (the School Windows are half of the reason I came here). But I also enjoy the work of Mayan pottery along with many other works. I believe art is always changing so it’s hard to have an influence since there are so many people out there. But my dad is my biggest influence as far as art and my mom keeps me inspired. And as for my connections with these works and artists, I feel like I can understand the works and the reasons they made most of their decisions, not everyone might, but I feel like it also helps that I have a passion for the same glass medium as Tiffany.

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