Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pinhole Assignment

Personally I really like how our insperation for this project, can be derived from a favorite novel, poem or song lyrics. I actually chose the Lyrics to the song "Yo Ho Yo Ho" from the movie Pirates of the Carabean. For this project I went all over searching for a treasure chest at the thrift shops, I couldnt find any choices until I found this chest.

Once I found this chest, I started comming up with a lot of crazy ideas for this project, such as portraying a scene, similar to Sara's Texas chain-saw Massacure. I chose maps and sand, and spray painted gold rocks, until we had our first cretique, than I realized that I may have to many visual details.

Than as I continued working on this piece, I tryed to figure out how to add more light inside of the chest so that the viewer could see. So I placed a spotlight in random places until I realized that you could see it through the back as a distant red. This helped accent the strobe light and running water , sounds comming from phone located in the work.

Than later I just added a touch light behind my piece, and covered it in red tissue paper to portray the same feeling. This now makes my work a mobile piece that can be taken anywhere. I really think all of these changes to my work have helped make it a stronger work of art.

Deconstruct Assignment

For this project I deconstructed 5 objects
  • An Umbrella
  • A Wood Box
  • Game Cards
  • Orange Toy Gun
  • Green Toy Gun 
I really enjoyed creating this piece, In its own way I alwo reconstructed the way the game is played. Because this is a game that usually doesn't have a game board, it is usually played by stacking cards, so I think this work does a great job of deconstructing not only the objects, but also the game.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tool Collection Assignment Response

When it comes to the tool making collection, this project sounds like fun.  We get to ceate a series of  tools that must “make a mark” or “make a sound”. Designing and constructing  the tools is a really inovative idea. I cant wait to start working on this project.

Consider: Will you design rudimentary tools? Or will the tools appear contemporary? Or perhaps another word to use is futuristic? A mixture? Who will be using your tools? Adults, children, a person with a disability? Or maybe you are designing for giants or lilliputians? Again, can be a mixture.

I thought it was interesting listening to (When Patents Attack!). It was  interesting to learn about how patents, which are designed to protect youe ideas and inventions, are now starting to hurt and cause more lawsuits now.  And learning about intelectual ventures (IV) which is a place that helps support inventors. Although listening to it was a little long I thought it was really interesting, and I felt like it gave me a lot of insight in the world of inventing.

As for listening to (Contents Unknown) I feel like a lot of the information was really different, but I found it interesting that i knew a lot of these interesting facts from watching media and keeping up with the world from time to time. But I feel like I learned a lot more about patent's that i didn't know before.


-Patent trolls- companies that amass huge troves of patents and make money by threatening lawsuits


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Plaster Assignment Response


From looking at the blog , the image of Anne Mourier's work really seemed to speak to me. I feel like the expressions of emotion that she portrays is incredable. Its amazing how free flowing and elegant she makes the legs along with her choices of materials for the base. I really liked this plaster piece.
As for my own plaster pieces, I feel like this was a great learning experience to work with different materials and plaster. I really enjoyed creating free forms, I feel like there was no pressure, and it started to make art fun again. It was interesting to see how just working with the plaster and adding materials; you could come up with such a pretty piece.
I would have to say that working with the plaster and wire was my favorite combination, because every time I combined the two the wire would rust and turn the plaster a pretty  brownish color.  I feel that my strongest pieces were also constructed with the cheesecloth.
Expressivefull of expression; meaningful: an expressive shrug.
                 -   (serving to express; indicative of power to express: a                         look expressive of gratitude. )

Personal Project Assignment Response

When it comes to the Personal project, I think it sounds like it can be fun, but it also sounds like it could turn into a nightmare. As much as I love the idea of pretty much being able to do whatever I want with this project, Not having many guidelines can sometimes change be a challenge. It can be problematic because, I know I will think of several different concepts and it can cause me to be a bit indecisive at times. But this still sounds like its going to be a fun project.

Pinhole Assignment Response

Personally I really like how our insperation can be derived from a favorite novel, poem or song lyrics.
I believe that helps make our art work more personal thus creating a better piece of art.
Throughout looking at all of the research and images provided to us on your blog, I was really inspired by Marcel Duchamps pinholes. When looking through his work, it gives off a sense of utopia, or  another world. I feel like Duchamp' s use of the whole room and not just a single object helps him achieve great levels. I also really enjoyed looking at Mark Shetabi's work. Although I really found it interesting how a lot of Shetabi's work was longing for contact, for understanding, for a place on this planet to call one's own. His use of objects, materials, and sculptures also incorperate different symbols and relationships which help explain the meaning behind his work.
I really enjoyed looking at a lot of these examples, and feel like I have a good understanding of this project.
Symbol- Something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something,  often something immaterial; emblem, token, or sign.
Naturalistic- Imitating nature, or the usual natural surroundings.

Deconstruct Assignment Response

For this project I really like the idea of using readymade objects and deconstructing them to make a form of art. I especially like the catch that - "you have to use all parts of the original form. And, final solution should be meaningful and materials significant - so carefully choose your found objects."  I also think not having a size requirement would help us think outside of the box.

Throughout reading the blog on ASSEMBELAGE  and looking at examples of Andy Ducett's work it is impressive to see how many things he took apart, along with the sheer size of his works some of them were large enough to cover a computer desk. I like how he uses many different materials, and doesnt keep himself confined to specific materials. Another artist that caught my eye was George Macinunas and his portrayal of deconstruction in such a small mannor. In this article they talk about adding numerous Fluxus games, incorperating cards, puzzles, contest, rules etc... The art work gets the viewer involved and interested in their own ways. Another great artists I saw on the blog was  Lucas Samaras. I really like his work called " self portrait" and how he thinks outside of the box while incorperating still life forms and many different multimedias. It was a great idea to not only do one image of himself, but to incorperate many different immages of himself in this box covered in needals.
It is really interesting to see all of these different artists and how they created their own style and conformed to the dada period .

I can personally say that from viewing a few different forms of artwork on this blog, it has really helped brawden my views on art, and gave a lot of really good examples of other works of art.


- Dada / Dadaism - a revolt by certain 20th-century painters and writers in France, Germany, and Switzerland against smugness in traditional art and Western society; their works, illustrating absurdity through paintings of purposeless machines and collages of discarded materials, expressed their cynicism about conventional ideas of form and their rejection of traditional concepts of beauty.
- Readymade Already made, prepared, or available: Examples like a bicyle tire, or Marcel Duchamp's fountain, which was actualy a urinal.
File:Marcel Duchamp Fountain at Tate Modern by David Shankbone.jpg

- Surrealism - A style of art and literature developed principally in the 20th century, stressing the subconscious or nonrational significance of imagery arrived at by automatism or the exploitation of chance effects, unexpected juxtapositions, etc.
- Futurism - A belief that the meaning of life and one's personal fulfillment lie in the future and not in the present or past. An artistic movement originating in Italy around 1910 whose aim was to express the energetic, dynamic, and violent quality of contemporary life, especially as embodied in the motion and force of modern machinery.
-Fluxus / Fluxfests -

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Plaster Forms

This piece was made by using both foil and cheese cloth, I wrapped both of  them up together and covered them with plaster, than i inserted two tall pieces of dried grass on each end along with a wooden stick like thing in the back.  It is a really organic piece that reminds me of an elephant.

Plaster Forms

This piece is actually one of my favorites, I created the base out of tin foil and than covered that with soft plaster, after that I than created this tree like form out of some wire, and pushed it into the plaster mold. Like all of the other pieces, the metal had rusted, thus I added a little bit of glue and brown pastel shavings to give it the feeling of dirt.

Plaster Forms

As for this piece, I had an Octopus in mind. so I tried to portray a few similar elements such as the cheese cloth portraying legs, and the use of cool colors. I started by wrapping the plaster inside of the cheese cloth. Than after I got the raw form down i used inks and splattered them lightly all over with a paint brush.

Plaster Forms

With this piece, I used cheese cloth  and wraped plaster both inside and out. Than I got three nails ftom the woodshop and pierced the blob until the plaster set. The next day the nails had rusted over and left this smooth piece with a rusty light brown color.

Plaster Forms

As for this piece, I actually got a wodden triangle from the woodshop scraps. Than I dipped it in plaster and started wrapping with this metal wire. The metal wire goes all through the piece and helps support it like a tripod. When I had come back the next day, I realized that the wire had rusted over, so when it came to colors, I just added a touch of blue tissue paper to give it an organic feeling.

Plaster Forms

For this piece, I took WET plaster and smeered it over a dust mask, than as the plaster started to dry, I deceided to use some of the dry crumbs and sprinkeled them on the wet plaster to give it this gritty look. Than I added a few drops of glue and continued sprinkiling oragne and red pastel flakes over the top of the mask.

Plaster Forms

This plaster form was actually my first form. I wraped up a bunch of plaster in cheese cloth and wrapped it in string , I than put that wooden knob in the end and sprinkeled a bunch of orange peels over the top, than to make it a bit more organic, I drizzeled a few orange inks and pastels ovet the top of the object.  

Plaster Forms

With this second plaster piece, I placed plaster in a bag and let it set in a natural form. After the plaster dried, I extracted the bag and placed glue over the form and sprinkeled yellow and orange pastels shavings over it. Than I added a little piece of yellow tissue paper to the background and outside to help the piece feel natural. 

Plaster Forms

While creating  this form, I took some plaster and put inside of a plastic glove. I  only did the first three fingers and added some green tussue paper around it to give it a free flowing feeling.